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Все публикации пользователя Antti_S

  1. Imatra MTB XC-marathon race will be held on saturday 11th o f August 2018 . Imatra MTB is part of Finnish XCM-cup 2017 Classes and distances: 60km: Women / Men, M18, W / M40, M50, M60 30 & 60km: Open Fatbike 30km: W / M ja W / M16 10km: Years 10, 12, 14 ja Open (for beginers etc) Race route will be 30km lap and there is 4 service points. Entry fee is 40euro (2800rbl) till 6.8.2018 60euro on race day. Registration via our website: Payment to Sperbank, Tinkoff or Nordea account (detailed information in confirmation e-mail) Competition center address: Aviasport Areena Ottelukatu 9 55420 IMATRA FINLAND e-mail: info (AT) Short clip from 2015 race: feel free to ask more information from me by e-mail: antti.a.suvanto (AT) Welcome to Imatra MTB
  2. Imatra MTB XC-marathon race will be held on saturday 12th of August 2017. Imatra MTB is part of Finnish XCM-cup 2017 Classes and distances: 60km: Women/Men, M18, W/M40, M50, M60 30 & 60km: Open Fatbike 30km: W/M ja W/M16 10km: Years 10, 12, 14 ja Open (for beginers etc) Race route will be 30km lap and there is 4 service points. Entry fee is 40euro (2600rbl) till 6.8.2017 60euro on race day. Registration via our website: Payment to Sperbank or Nordea account (detailed information in confirmation e-mail) Competition center address: Aviasport Areena Ottelukatu 9 55420 IMATRA FINLAND e-mail: info(AT) Short clip from 2015 race: feel free to ask more information from me by private message or by e-mail: antti.a.suvanto(AT) Welcome to Imatra MTB
  3. Imatra MTB XC-race will be held on sunday 7th of August 2016. Imatra MTB is part of Finnish XCM-cup 2016 Classes and distances: 60km: Women/Men, M18, W/M40, M50, M60 60km: Open Fatbike 30km: W/M ja W/M16 10km: Years 10, 12, 14 ja Open (for beginers etc) Race route will be 30km lap and there is 4 service points. Entry fee is 40euro 1.7-1.8.2016 60euro on race day. Registration from our website: As previous years, you can sent your registration when you want and pay in cash when you arrive to Imatra. If you have sent your registration and you are not able to participate or cancel your entry, please sent an e-mail to us. Competition center address: Aviasport Areena Ottelukatu 9 55420 IMATRA FINLAND e-mail: info(AT) Short clip from 2015 race: feel free to ask more information from me by private message or by e-mail: antti.a.suvanto(AT) Welcome to Imatra MTB
  4. Imatra MTB XC-race will be held on sunday 9th of August 2015. Classes and distances: Men/Women/Men 50/Fatbike 60km Men/Women 30km Minimarathon for young and beginers 10km Race route will be about 30km lap and there is 4 service points. Entry fee is 30euro till 30.6. 40euro 1.7-31.7. 50euro on race day. Registration from our website: As previous years, you can sent your registration when you want and pay in cash when you arrive to Imatra. If you have sent your registration and you are not able to participate or cancel your entry, please sent an e-mail to us. Competition center address: Aviasport Areena Ottelukatu 9 55420 IMATRA FINLAND e-mail: info(AT) feel free to ask more information from me by private message or by e-mail: antti.a.suvanto(AT) Welcome to Imatra MTB
  5. Pre-registration open till 31.7.2015 !!! 40eur all categories 30-60km and 15eur for 10km 7min video clip from Imatra MTB route: Welcome !
  6. vvsar писал(а) Wed, 03 June 2015 21:48Для тех, кто не понял. Гонка Imatra MTB XC-race будет проведена в воскресенье, 9 августа 2015 года. Классы и дистанции: Мужчины/Женщины/Мужчины 50+/Фатбайкеры - 70 км Мужчины/Женщины - 30 км Дети/Начинающие - 10 км Трасса - круг 30 км с 4 сервисными пунктами. Регистрационный взнос: 30 евро - до 30.06 40 евро - с 1.07 до 31.07 50 евро - на месте в день гонки Страница регистрации: Как и в прошлые годы, вы можете зарегистрироваться, когда хотите, и заплатить наличными по прибытии в Иматру. Если вы зарегистрировались и после выяснили, что не сможете или не захотите приехать, напишите об этом по указанному ниже e-mail. Адрес центра соревнований: Aviasport Areena Ottelukatu 9 55420 IMATRA FINLAND e-mail: info(AT) Для получения более детальной информации можно написать топикстартеру: antti.a.suvanto(AT) Добро пожаловать на Imatra MTB Большое спасибо!
  7. 2 days left for pre-registration!!! You can also register at race-day 9.00-11.00 EET Weather forecast promises nice day for mountain biking. See also short clip from course: Map: Welcome to Imatra
  8. Finaly some info in "russia" Route is now ready for 2014 race. Mainly same paths as before, some direction changes and some new trials. One lap about 30km. GPX and route map available at: First link opens a map for big window, second is GPX file.
  9. Hello, Sorry, no Russian info. But here is some information in english. IMATRA MTB 16.8.2014 all needed information can be found from official page: We have moved our competition center from Imatra SPA to Aviasport Arena (address: Ottelukatu 9, 55420 IMATRA) This year we try to made a lap little bit longer and we will do it only once or twice (30km/60km) 10km race is for Juniors or total beginners. Trails are pretty much same as last year but direction might change partly due to start/finish change. Also I can confirm that if you sent registration now, you can pay it on race day by cash. Till 31.6. it is 30 euro and till 10.8. it is 40 euro. Registration on raceday it will be 50 euro. I understand your difficulties to pay in finnish bank. But, please do not sent registration for fun. It will cause extra work for us. Feel free to ask anything by e-mail and welcome to Imatra MTB. Antti Suvanto Imatran MTB e-mail: andeprkl(AT)
  10. Hello! Pre-registration will end on 10th of August. 3 days left! Route will be fast but demanding for everyone. Short clip from route: Registration: br, Antti Suvanto andeprkl(at)
  11. 2dvo писал(а) Fri, 24 May 2013 13:47Dutch писал(а) Fri, 24 May 2013 14:25вчера зарегистрировался, но чего-то никакого письма-подтверждения от финов нет....??? подожду ещё немного, но до 31-го уже совсем времени мало осталось А они не быстро отвечают Your registration seems to be ok. We'll check why e-mail was not sent to you.
  12. Priviet! Imatra Wattbike is 3rd race of national Wattbike cup series in Finland. Race will be held in Imatra Kylpylä (Imatra Spa) on saturday 2.3.2013 Race lenght: 10km Categories: Men, M40, M50, M60, M70 Women, W40, W50 Youth: M/W14, M/W16, M/W18 Entry fee: 15eur, (youth free), Entry fee includes free ticket to Spa Registration by email to: (Sent information: Name, category, club) You can pay entry fee when you arrive to Imatra. Official invitation (only in finnish) What is Wattbike? See: Pictures of 2012 race: Results of 2012 race: Accomodation: You can have discount from Imatran Kylpylä with promotion code: PACE or Imatra Wattbike. Make your reservation till 15.2.2013. More information from Alexandr Lomakin patricipated to 2012 race. You can ask more about him if you want some information in Russian. Any questions? Sent private message to me, ask on this topic or by email: Welcome ! Best regards, Antti Suvanto, Imatran Urheilijat ps. It is easy to participate ABC-Race on same trip!
  13. Greetings from Imatra. I heard about your "problem" with bank comission. We would like to offer you following: Send your registration via our web page Entry fee will be same as your registration day shows, but you can pay it (in cash) when you arrive to Imatra. So if you sent your registration before 31th of May your entry fee will be 25euro. You will recieve e-mail about entry fee, but you can ignore it. NOTE! Please do not sent your registration for fun! Every registration causes some work. If you registrate to race and you are NOT coming to race, please sent your cancellation by e-mail: And about race track.... Town of Imatra has destroyed best technical parts of our last year route. So it will be easier to ride. But don't worry, there will be some up hills and nice single track parts also If you have any questions please sent e-mail to me or our race info mail best regards, Antti Suvanto
  14. Wattbike has 2 sided pedals. SPD (mtb) and Look - road cleat. You can also change your own pedals if you want. Here is a short clip from our 4km test race: